One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Brisbane were the painted traffic signal boxes. They were everywhere! Last year, I had the opportunity to paint my own!! Here’s how ‘You Are the Zest’ came to life…

About Artforce Brisbane
Artforce Brisbane is a community art program that gives local residents the opportunity to create original works of art on traffic signal boxes around Brisbane (Meanjin) - a drive-by gallery if you will! Everyone is welcome to paint a box regardless of age, ability or background. Often community groups and schools get involved as well as individual artists.
The Design Process
As soon as I found out where my box was, I had to go scope it out. It was definitely NOT tucked about on a quiet suburban intersection but rather on one of Brisbane’s busiest roads! That excited me knowing how many people could see my artwork everyday.
The inspiration for the design came from the initial site visit. The building next to the box, with its white weatherboards and blue eaves, gave me country kitchen vibes. I also wanted to reflect the bird life that is in the park opposite to the box location. Pairing these ideas, a couple of cheeky cockatoos, sipping lemonade came to life!
Now the fun (and a little bit exhausting) part - painting! Here’s a few thoughts I had throughout the painting process…
Ok so there’s the potential of rain today so let’s just do the undercoat. It didn’t actually rain until much later that night
This is a lot different to drawing on my iPad
Maybe a should have used a roller
I have no idea how much of each colour I’ll really need
Wait that’s not quite the right colour. Add some more of this… A bit more... Ok I think that’s got it!!
This is taking way longer than I thought it would
Argh it’s too hot and my paint is drying too quick! Time to call it for the morning and come back this afternoon
Argh it’s still so hot!!
Yay! I’ve finished the background
Ugh, do I have to do another 5am start?
There is so many lovely people stopping by and calling out from their cars
Ok this is more detailed then I thought it was
Damn so close. Didn’t quite finish but a couple more hours I'm sure it will be done
Ok I underestimated how much was left! A couple more hours for real this time…
Swoosh!! The last stroke of overcoat and its DONE!
Ok, I can’t feel my arms and there’s a slight kink in my neck - totally worth it!
The Artforce program is first in best dressed, and it is safe to say it’s very popular. I missed out on a couple of rounds before securing my box, but that made the joy of being accepted even sweeter! If you are a Brisbane local, register now and make sure you follow Artforce Brisbane (Facebook or Instagram) to keep up to date.
You can find my box at Lutwyche Rd & Maygar St, Windsor QLD.
Get a behind the scenes look by checking out the Reels on my Instagram.